Take your brand to the next level with a Queue Builder
Your customers subscribe to a product because they like it and want to get it regularly. What happens when they want to try something different from what they are subscribed to?
In most cases, they would have to change their default subscription product. If they change their minds a few months down the line, they would have to edit their default product again.
Having a queue builder fixes this
The Queue Builder in action for Olympia Coffee Roasting
What your customers see
Easy navigation
The bottomless app turns your product page into an easy place for customers to navigate, by adding options that are specific to their subscription. The implementation is fully handled by our team and requires minimal effort from you.
When a customer with an active subscription goes to the shop, they have the option to:
add a product to their queue,
select it as the default product, or
purchase it one-off.
B&W Coffee Roasters subscriber product page view
Mockup of Onyx Coffee Roasters product page view
2. Flexibility of building their own queue
By adding products to the queue, customers are choosing to get reorders based on their preferred sequence. After the queue is finished, reordering will fall back on the subscription default product.
Queue overview in the Hypersonic customer portal
Customers can add, remove, or rearrange products in the queue at any time.
Editing a queue on Methodical Coffee’s customer portal
3. One-of-a-kind customer experience
We go out of our way to provide a good experience for your customers - from their digital experience to the timing of their physical deliveries. Customers get an alert 8-12h before each order so they can edit/delay/cancel their order if they wish to.
Besides editing the queue, customers can manage their subscription frequencies, and see their usage data and scale info.
The customer portal combines with your e-commerce store to provide a seamless, branded experience to your customers.
The Impact of Choice
The Queue Builder achieves key outcomes that drive revenue and retention.
Provides variety to an otherwise fixed subscription
Prevents cancellations due to lack of choices
Reduced unused inventory, since products in the queue are delivered one after another, based on usage
The above benefits lead to increased customer satisfaction, which translate to customer loyalty, retention, and increased LTV.
Results for you - the brand
The queue builder helps your customers to manage their subscriptions more efficiently and helps to build long term loyalty. It also reduces customer support tickets regarding the change of subscription products.
You are still in control of the products on offer, and most importantly, this can work for any product available for subscriptions. (Think coffee, protein, snack bars, supplements, and more)
Subscribe By Usage powered by Bottomless, coupled with the queue builder and scale data analytics, create a smart, data-driven subscription experience that’s the first of its kind. Our industry-leading numbers don’t lie: we’ve helped our partners increase overall signups by 42% 3-months post-launch, 1.86x retention after 1 year, and 1.7x customer LTV after 1 year on average.
P.S. The Queue Builder differs from our Rotation Engine in that the customer is in the driving seat and building their ideal queue. With the Rotation Engine, you (the vendor) decide what products go into a subscription rotation, and the engine automatically selects the next shipment, saving your team time and effort.
This is great for customers who subscribe to a rotation product and want the vendor to pick for them.